Terms and Conditions (T&C’s) of use of Counselling Rooms from 15th June 2020 until further notice between the RFC and Counsellors hiring rooms at the Centre
The RFC will:
- Make available three counselling rooms available i.e. Family Room in Suite C, Room K and M on 1st Floor.
- Provide antibacterial hand wash at the entrance to and exit of the Centre
- Operate a one way system for entry/exit. Client will come in through front door and exit through door from Suite C directly onto the street. If client has mobility issues Counsellor to advise RFC staff in order that alternative arrangements can be made
- Provide paper covering for chairs (optional – Counsellors preference)
- Clean the rooms between each client, unless a counsellor has more than one client attending and then the counsellor will wipe down touch areas i.e. door handles, tables etc
- Provide water in disposal cups for clients if requested
- The Centre will remain closed to avoid members of the public walking in
- Provide a waiting area for clients
- If there is a changeover of counsellor in a room the RFC will make a 15 minute break between appointments to allow cleaning. Therefore keeping to exact booked times will be essential (this is if we change from four hourly slots)
- Counselling rooms will be marked with tape for position of chairs in line with current social distancing guidelines
- Counselling rooms will be allocated, as previously, on a first come, first served basis. Depending on demand it may be necessary in the interest of fairness to not allow one counsellor to block book a room for the day. However, a series of booking will be allowed for continuity for Client and as previously practised.
- Sessions will be offered in four hourly slots – 9.00 am – 1.00 pm and 1.15 pm to 5.15 pm.
- One charge of £11.50 will be made per session.
- There will be no signing in register. Counsellors will be responsible for their own client in the event of a fire evacuation
- As we anticipate a high take up of counselling room hire, we will have to charge for a room once it is booked.
- All ‘unnecessary’ furniture will be removed from the room. It is appreciated that Counsellors have varying views on how they like a room to look but in the circumstances chairs and small table will be the only items provided.
- RFC staff will unlock the counselling rooms at the start of the day and will lock at the end of the day. No keys will be distributed to counsellors as they have been previously
- As far as safety allows, corridor doors will be wedged open to avoid the necessity for repeated touching of handles/door plates
- Toilets will be allocated and multiple use toilets operated as ‘one in, one out
Counsellors will:
- Be required to sign this document as agreement of T&C’s prior to use of room
- Request clients do not attend an appointment if they are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 or feel unwell generally
- Advise clients not to arrive more than five minutes prior to their appointment
- If a Counsellor is seeing more than one Client during a hire session they will be responsible for the cleaning of the room i.e. door handles between their own sessions
- Be responsible for following Government recommended social distancing rules within the Counselling Room
- Bring their own tissues or request clients bring their own and they must be removed by the client from the premises
- Kitchens are not to be used. Counsellors must bring their own refreshments.
- Follow any guidelines/procedures issued by their governing body/regulator
- Only in the case of juveniles or a vulnerable client should a companion be brought into the Centre to wait during the counselling session
- Accompany their client to the appointed exit and where possible greet them on entry to the Centre
- Unfortunately, reception is not staffed for the time being as it previously has been prior to Covid-19. Therefore room bookings can only be made by ringing 01743 341300 during the hours of 10.30 am – 3.30 pm. Emails and answerphone messages will not be acted upon.
I confirm having read and agree to the above Terms and Conditions of use of a counselling room of which I have a copy. I note that if I do not strictly adhere to these the right to hire may be withdrawn.
Signed ……………………………………………………
Print name ……………………………………………….
Date …………………………………………………